Why travel?

Travel to experience new cultures, try new foods, listen to and learn new languages.
Travel to walk on streets older than your country.
Travel to grow and learn from all the mishaps, challenges, and setbacks that will inevitably come your way.
Travel to get that exhilarating, amazing, yet terrifying adrenaline rush from being in a foreign land – somewhere totally new where you don’t know anyone.
Travel to open your eyes…to everything.
Travel to taste new beers.
Travel to create meaningful relationships with people you meet along the way. Whether that be on a train, in your hostel, or anywhere. Whether it be a 5 minute conversation or a night out, you will learn something from them.
Travel to gain a new perspective on life. Different ways to see and look at the world.
Travel to take suggestions from random locals, and discover hidden gems off the beaten path.
Travel to appreciate architecture, history, and art.
Travel to feel that amazing sense of accomplishment, whether that be from completing a challenging hike, or successfully ordering a meal in a foreign language.
Travel for those moments of pure bliss, as well as those moments of challenge. You learn from both.
Travel for the lifelong memories and cool stories (and, ok yes, cool pictures).
Travel to break routine and never, ever be stuck in a rut.
Travel to learn more than you ever did in school.
Travel to eventually pick up bits and pieces of a new language that at first sounded like gibberish.
Travel to become more adventurous and adaptable.
Travel to meet people and make new friends who think, dress, and see the world differently than you.
Travel to gain knowledge and empathy on the struggles around the world.
Travel to evolve.
Travel to realize you’re just one person in this giant, amazing, diverse world we live in.
Travel to eradicate all prejudice and narrow-mindedness you may have within you that you don’t even know.
Travel to embarrass yourself in public but not care (because you don’t know anyone!).
Travel to make your dreams a reality.
Travel for some “me time.”
Travel to step out of your comfort zone.
Travel to know you can survive out there in the “great big world.”
Travel to see famous places. Historical places. Beautiful places.
Travel to change the way you see the world.
Travel because life is meant to be lived and the world is meant to be seen and felt and appreciated.