Welsh rainy days are the best rainy days

I absolutely love cold and rainy weather. Let me repeat that: I absolutely LOVE cold and rainy weather. I know when asked about their favorite weather, most people would start talking about a sunny day on the beach. And don’t get me wrong… I do love annual trips to the beach. BUT there’s just something special to me about a chilly, overcast day. Which I think is one of the (many) reasons why I love traveling in the UK so much!
Enter my perfect little rainy day pit-stop on the Island of Anglesey in Wales.
After taking an overnight Ferry from Dublin to Holyhead, we stopped on our way to Llangollen (still can’t tell you how to pronounce it…) to enjoy some sights on the Island of Anglesey.
Even though it was June, it was a typical Welsh rainy day – chilly and overcast. Since I’m from Louisiana (which is completely flat), every time I see mountains I stare at them for far too long. Just sitting there by the water looking out into the mountains as the cool wind blew was such a cool experience – definitely gives you time to think and reflect. Everything about this pit stop was so calm and peaceful. The water was completely still and flat; there weren’t very many people there; and the only noise was the wind and the birds. It was so relaxing to sit there for a little while and just breathe in the scenery.
Its been pretty chilly here in LA recently. I’m loving it, but it’s not going to last for long. I’m definitely missing this kind of rainy, cloudy, cool weather that I encountered in the UK during my travels! So here are a few pictures I’m reminiscing on that make me want to just put on a giant coat and get back to Wales ASAP!