An Afternoon by the Bay | Howth, Ireland

Greetings (finally) from Ireland! I have been so SO busy since I flew across the pond that this is my first post since my big move to Ireland! I hope you all missed me while I was away : )
Things have been absolutely nuts over here. We’ve been so busy searching for jobs and apartment hunting. BUT we were able to squeeze in a night out for my friend’s birthday (no regrets on that one, though).
It’s been an absolute whirlwind, and it seems like we’ve been here a lot longer than 6 days. Each day is so exhausting! However, I find myself (sorry, “meself”) slowly adapting to the Irish culture and life in Dublin.
We’re staying at an amazing Homestay in an area of Dublin called Templeogue (which I’ll post about later). We’ve been going around Dublin on what we’ve not-so-lovingly dubbed “The Search.” AKA, going around Dublin with resumés trying to find a job.
I cannot tell you how excited I am to have a place to call “home.” I’m ready to hang up my clothes and stop living out of a suitcase, buy and store groceries, AND have people back home start sending me presents…
Throughout all this mayhem, we were able to sneak a trip to Howth, a Dublin suburb on the Dublin Bay. What started out as a quest to go apply for jobs at few places turned into a lovely afternoon filled with great views and food. And a lot of wind.