The 7 Best Halloween Destinations for Your Bucket List

Halloween is my favorite holiday. Ok, well, my SECOND favorite holiday, after Christmas. Obviously.
But honestly, I think the main reason I love Halloween is because I love costumes and dressing up. I hate scary movies and I’m a big baby when it comes to haunted houses and things like that. But I absolutely love coming up with costume ideas and getting to be whatever I want for the night! Over the years I’ve dressed up as everything from the Queen of England, a Scarecrow, and an old lady, to a vampire, a cavewoman, a pirate, and Winnie Sanderson from the movie Hocus Pocus (always a crowd favorite).
So, since it’s Halloween time, and being that travel is literally ALWAYS on my mind, I started browsing the internet to find out where the places to visit and celebrate Halloween are. And turns out, there’s a bunch! But I’ve narrowed it down to the Halloween destinations that appealed to me the most. **she says as she adds all of these to her bucket list**
Whether it’s celebrating in some of Europe or the USA’s most haunted cities, to a traditional Dia de los Muertos celebration, or visiting Dracula’s castle, there’s so many places to visit on Halloween! Here are 7 of the best places to visit on Halloween to add to your bucket list!