Sunday Thoughts / Just Another “Liebster Award” Post

This is my current view of my desk area in my bedroom. Its not always fun to have to work on freelance projects on a beautiful Sunday, but what makes it doable is a warm cup of chai tea, a great Sunday Spotify playlist, and this cozy view!
If you’ve been around this blogosphere and are sick of these “Liebster Award” posts, just go ahead and ignore this whole post (but come back tomorrow, because I’ve got some badass posts planned this week!). But if you’re not, or if you want to learn a little more about me, then stick around!
I’ll admit, when 2 people on the same day notified me that they had nominated me for a Liebster Award, I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. But apparently everyone already knows the gist of it so I Googled the rules and am ready to roll! I know all you more experienced bloggers have probably had it up to here (imagine me signaling to above my head) with these posts, but I love the idea sharing more about myself, and promoting new blogs!
It was lovely to be nominated by Christine over at A Keane Sense of Adventure and Elle at What the Elle!
So since its Sunday, I thought I would end this week by answering these questions so ya’ll can learn a little more about me – the sarcastic, dry-humored, unorganized, passionate Harry Potter nerd behind Sara Says.
Since I got nominated twice, I combined Christine and Elle’s questions into one list instead of answering 22 questions (because I highly doubt anyone is interested in learning THAT much about me):
What are 3 things you love/miss about your hometown?
I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot since I’m moving away in April. The 3 things I’m going to miss the most about my hometown (Lafayette, Louisiana) are: the local food (specifically crawfish), the annual Festival International, and my usual jogging route!
What is the last movie you saw? And would you recommend it to others?
Whiplash and YES I would definitely recommend it. It was nominated for several Oscars for a reason! I loved it!
What is your favorite city in the world and why?
London, hands down. Obviously the city itself is gorgeous and there’s so much to do there, but I especially love British culture and the music scene! Not to mention there are soooo many markets there, and markets are my jam.
Can you speak more than one language? If so, what are they?
Yes! My parents are both Hispanic so I grew up with both languages in my house.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while on a trip?
I think it may have been somewhere in Italy(?), but I was on an escalator in a train station going up to the platform. I had my huge suitcase on the escalator stair above me. Well, it wasn’t balanced completely, because halfway up it starting leaning on me and I couldn’t hold it up so I fell backwards (as if in slow motion) onto my friend AND a random stranger. Then I couldn’t really get back up quickly because the suitcase on top of me was so heavy, so someone had to pull me up! I had dirt marks all over me from the escalator and the wheels of my suitcase, my pillow had gotten caught and ripped, and my friend had spilled Diet Coke all over herself! It was a big scene, and people probably thought I was insane because I can guarantee that I am NOT a graceful faller.
If you could (safely) have a mini-sized version of any big animal, what would it be?
Oh, that’s easy – a panda bear! I think they are the most cuddly, adorable creatures! If you’ve never YouTubed videos of panda bear cubs rolling around, STOP what you’re doing right now and go get on that, seriously.
Most played song in your iTunes/Spotify?
My #1 played song on my iTunes is Fluorescent Adolescence by the Arctic Monkeys. No surprise there!
Beauty routine that is the biggest chore?
Shaving my legs because ughhhhhhh ain’t nobody got time fo dat.
Which seat do you snag on an airplane?
Aisle even though I definitely would prefer the window for sleeping purposes. But let’s just say that if I had an Indian name, it would be “Girl with Small Bladder” so I’m actually doing YOU people a favor by sitting in the aisle. I get up probably 4-6 times during an international flight to go to the restroom. So you’re welcome.
What Hogwarts house do you think you’d be in?
I have actually taken the official Sorting Quiz (yep, there is one) and got sorted into Gryffindor! NBD, I’m awesome.
Favorite blog post you’ve written?
I actually really love one that I posted this past week called “Why Travel?” It was a little more serious and thoughtful than my usual posts.
Now its my turn! I nominate Sara from A Different Piece of Sky, Jordan from Beer Time with Wagner, and Sara from Simply Sara Travel. If ya’ll have done it before, oopsssss! If not, have fun!
The Rules:
- Link the person who nominated you
- Answer the questions asked by the person who nominated you
- Nominate up to 11 blogs with under 500 followers
- Create 11 questions for those blogs to answer
- Notify those bloggers via their blogs/social media
My questions are…
- Who is your favorite musical artist of the moment?
- What posters did you have hanging on your bedroom wall in elementary/middle school?
- If you could pick a famous person (dead or alive) to have as your travel buddy, who would it be and why?
- What’s your favorite foreign cuisine? (Indian, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, etc)
- Coffee or tea?
- Favorite quote?
- What is your #1 travel essential that you can’t travel without?
- You go to the airport and are told you can have a free flight to anywhere in the world for the weekend. Where would you choose to go and why?
- Mountains or beach?
- If you could learn a new language, which would it be and why?