Sunday Night Thoughts

I see here in my bed on a Sunday night reflecting on the past week and looking forward to the week ahead, I thought I’d share the thoughts that are running through my brain.
1. This weekend was absolutely nuts.
The lease in my apartment was up on Saturday the 31st, so this weekend was all about me moving out. Since I’m moving to Ireland in late April, I’ll be spending these next couple of months back home at my parents house…which should be interesting. Going from living on your own to being back with your parents is such a tricky move. I have a feeling there will be quite a few little arguments. But it’ll be great to spend some time with them before I leave for a year (the longest I’ve ever been away from home). Not only that, but I’ll be able to save money on rent for the next few months, which means more I can save up for my big trip! I feel like I’ve been packing, unpacking, taping, carrying, lifting, pushing, and cursing boxes all weekend. I’m so glad I finally get to relax and enjoy the last of my precious weekend.
2. Was anyone more excited to see the Puppy Bowl than the Super Bowl or was it just me?
I only attended a Super Bowl party because word on the street was that there was going to be King Cake there..and there totally was! But my favorite part of the game was the commercials, and in particular the Budweiser commercial with the puppy and the horse. How adorable?!
3. I’ve been binge watching Friends ever since it got on Netflix and I. Can’t. Stop. Won’t. Stop.
I started Season 8 last night. (That means I’ve gone through 7, 25-episode seasons since about the 2nd week of January. Whoops.) And all I can keep thinking about is WHERE HAVE I BEEN? How have I never watched this show before? It’s so great! It always plays on TV, but I had never seen it before because I HATE watching shows out of order. If I’m going to start watching a show, it has to be from season 1 episode 1 and in order. I’m just weird like that. Now that’s its on Netflix, I’m breezing through this show. It’s so addicting. Instead of hanging out with my real friends, I’ve been spending Saturday nights hanging out with Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey. Soon enough I’ll be finished with the series and can go back to real social interaction. But for now, ONWARDS.
4. Today marks exactly 3 months until I leave for Ireland!
Probably the most anxiety-inducing of all my thoughts on this Sunday night. Time is going to go so slowly because I’m so ready to leave! I’ve already started mentally listing out what I’m going to pack, and quite honestly I don’t know if I’m going to be able to pack for a whole year in a 50-lb suitcase (I love shoes……), so I may have to bring 2 or something. I’ll deal with that when the time comes.
5. Songs/artists I can’t get enough of lately
Elastic Heart by Sia, Glass Animals, Ellie Goulding’s new tune for the 50 Shades of Grey movie, Banks, and I’ve been re-listening to Jay-Z’s Magna Carta…Holy Grail album because its just so great.
6. I’m really trying to watch all the movies nominated for a Best Picture Oscar (so that I actually know what’s going on) and I’m almost half way there.
I’ve seen The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Imitation Game, and The Theory of Everything but still need to see Boyhood, Birdman, Selma, American Sniper, and Whiplash. I would be much further along IF FRIENDS WASN’T GETTING IN THE WAY (see #3). I loved the 3 that I’ve seen so I’m sure the other 5 will be just as good, I just need to buckle down and watch ’em!
So, the moral of the story is: puppies > football, Friends is zee best, I foresee a lot of TV/movie watching in my near future, I basically need to leave for Ireland NOW and moving is the worst. And that’s it for my Sunday night thoughts! Happy Sunday everyone! Let’s have a great week!