Paris // A Photo Diary

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post.
Of course, everyone knows of the tragic events that occurred Friday night in Paris, France.
Paris is the City of Love and the City of Light, and with good reason. But a few days ago, someone tried to darken that light and fight love with hate.
Because of these recent events, I thought it was only appropriate to start this week off by appreciating the beauty, uniqueness, and glamour of one of the world’s most amazing cities with a photo diary of Paris.
As a tribute to this breathtaking city, here is a photo diary of my visit to Paris during the summer of 2012. I hope to visit again someday, but for now the memories I have of Paris are of that amazing week years back. And even though I’ve only been once and for a short time, it still felt like a piece of me was personally targeted during those attacks. Because love and light are in all of us, a piece of Paris is also in all of us.
Paris is strong. She is powerful. And she will rise. Her love with overcome hate and no amount of darkness could put out her light. It is part of who she is, and who her people are.
Paris, je t’aime.

I will continue to pray for those affected by the attacks on Paris this past Friday. It’s amazing to me that humans could do this to one another, and that some humans can have so much hate in their hearts for people who they don’t even know.
It’s a new week, people. A new week and a fresh start. A new chance to change our world for the better.
Happy Monday, you beautiful people!