Expat Life in Ireland // Month #7 recap and photos

We’re over the halfway mark 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 OK you get it, I’m sad that my time as an American expat in Ireland is FLYING by.
The month of November will be known to me as The Month Where Not Much Happened.
Yeah, my hectic and crazy streak over the past 2 months was bound to come to an end sometime. I mean, last month I did visit another country and 2 different Irish cities. So to be honest, this month didn’t have too much going on.
Not only that, but this month was also when I’ve started to feel the most homesick. Can you believe it? I’m usually not the kind of person that gets homesick AT ALL, but I think it started to hit that this will be the first time being away from home for the holidays. Plus, being an American expat this time of year hits especially hard since Ireland obviously doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
But even so, I’m loving life here anyway (obviously). I had fun with my co-workers at at a few evening events, I got to see some great DJs playing around Dublin, I cooked good ol’ cajun Jambalaya to give me a taste of home. And best of all, I got to experience the beginning of Christmas season here in Ireland!
Can’t wait to see what December holds! Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year, so I have high hopes! I’ll be hitting up the Dublin Christmas Market, I’ll be in London for Christmas, and I’ll probably watch Love Actually about 24357685434 times.
Here are a few pictures of my generally calm 7th month of my life as an American expat in Ireland. No beautiful, adventurous pictures, mostly just pictures of me hanging out with my friends!
But I promise, next month I’ll have some great ones for you!