Expat Life in Ireland // Month #6 recap and photos

How was everyone’s Halloween? Mine was fantastic…the perfect way to ring in not only the end of October, but the end of our 6th month living in Dublin, Ireland as an expat, meaning we’re halfway there! (singing “Livin’ On a Prayer” as I typed that FYI).
When October started I was in Croatia, and when October ended I was in Galway celebrating Halloween, with a few concerts (Diplo and James Bay) and a trip to Cork for the Cork Jazz Festival in between. So I definitely got my travel in! But with this being the official halfway mark of our year-long visa, I can’t help but think about life after our Visa is up and begin to research what I can do to be able to stay longer. Because I’ll do pretty much anything.
I can’t even tell you how much I’ve loved my time here so far. I really can’t. When this last month was starting to come to an end, it really hit me that it was halfway over. And that I already spent 6 months in this new home of mine. I started to really think about where I am now and where I was when I first arrived.
On Halloween night in Galway I really got to thinking…
When I first moved here I had no job. I had nowhere to live. I knew no one except for the friend I moved here with. There I was, just an excited American expat in Dublin trying to find out WTF I was going to do with myself.
And there I was, in Galway for Halloween with 5 Irish friends that I’ve made here. People who are so easy to get along with, who I feel like I’ve known for a long time even though I’ve only known them for a few months. People who were so willing to accept two “Yanks” into their circle, when many people my age are content with their friend group and have no interest in adding new people to their social circles.
I was having an amazing weekend (with surprisingly beautiful weather) in one of my favorite Irish cities. And back home in Dublin (that sentence still seems weird to say!) I have a cute apartment, with great roommates, and in an amazing location waiting for me when I return. I have a job that I absolutely love with coworkers who I get along really well with, actually working in I got my degree in.
To say I was really feelin’ the luck of the Irish is an understatement.
Not only that, but I just kept feeling so PROUD of the life I’ve built here in 6 short months.
When I had that moment of realization Halloween night (I sometimes have deep thoughts after having a few libations), I decided that I would do absolutely anything in my power to be able to stay longer than a year. This place just really feels like home now, and I know come April I won’t be ready to leave. Living as an expat in Dublin has just been the absolute best experience. So, now that I’m halfway done with my current visa, I’m going to set aside some serious time to look into what my other options are, or even if I have any other options….So wish me luck on that!
Now that Halloween festivities have come and gone, Dublin is all set up for Christmas. Since Thanksgiving isn’t a thing here, Christmas is the next big occasion on the calendar! The mornings are getting crisper. It’s getting darker earlier. The Christmas lights are hung and the holiday displays are out in stores. It’s holiday season!
So long, October. You have officially ended the 1st half of my adventure here. It was so nice coming home from Croatia and seeing Ireland in full “autumn” mode. I’m not used to living in a place that actually has a fall season! In Louisiana, it goes from miserably hot to a little less hot. Those are our 2 seasons.
So now onto November…not too much planned yet but every month here turns out to be exciting and full of activities! Can’t wait to see what the next 6 months hold!
Oh, and did I mention I’ve finally mastered Irish slang? It took me half a year, but I finally understand what people actually mean when they use Irish slang terms.
Here is my sixth month of being an expat in Dublin, in photos! If you missed out on last month’s update, you can check it out here!