Expat Life in Ireland // Month #4 recap and photos

So, as always, here is my obligatory post recapping yet another month of being an expat here in Ireland! This past Monday marked the anniversary of our move here, bringing month #4 of living in Dublin to a close!
And holy crap, what another whirlwind of a month! The expat adventures never end, which I guess come with moving to a foreign country. It’s like…I’m still doe-eyed and loving it (I call it the “Honeymoon Phase”), but I also really feel comfortable and at home here.
In general, I would say that Month #4 living as an expat in Dublin, Ireland was a lot tamer than previous months here, mostly because I got a full-time graphic design job (!!!!!!FINALLY!!!!!!!!). That in and of itself has been so wonderful! I absolutely love my job and am having a blast there!
Even between starting up with the 9-5 life again, I still found time to do some great things like attend the Ireland vs. Scotland rugby match and a great local craft beer and BBQ festival.
In general, though, I took it really easy this month! September is going to be absolutely crazy. This weekend I’m going to the biggest music festival in Ireland, then the next weekend I’m going to Copenhagen, THEN at the end of the month I’m going to Croatia! (Stay tuned for more from those trips!)
Even though I’m in the honeymoon phase, I’ve been here long enough to learn that life in Dublin isn’t all great, and I am beginning to lose a bit of my doe-eyed excitement and wonder (but definitely not all).
In these monthly recaps I’ve talked about the things I absolutely love about living in Dublin. But, like most cities, Dublin has its flaws. Like the junkies and drug addicts you see all too regularly wandering the streets, sometimes asking for money. The crumbling buildings. The homeless beggars. Or what about the dreary weather. And the dirty streets. Or the fact that some men think it’s ok to pee on the side of buildings at night. Or the obnoxious tourists.
But when you look past the rain, Dublin has something truly special, and that’s its heart. And I don’t think it’s the newcomer in me talking. There’s just something about this city that makes it wonderful at the same time, despite its flaws. I’m still loving being an expat here in Ireland, I’m still loving the city life, and I’m sure not to take anything for granted during my amazing adventure here. Because I know it won’t last forever!
Here is my fourth month of expat life in Dublin, Ireland, in photos!