Ireland and that BIG Vote!

So, if you’ve been watching the news recently, or are in the least bit up-to-date with current events (or you follow me on instagram here or here), you are probably well aware of Ireland’s recent referendum. This past Friday, May 22nd, over 60% of Irish voters voted YES to a referendum to change the Irish constitution to legalize same-sex marriage. They became the first country to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote!!
When I first got here, I was frequently taking the bus into town from our Homestay in Templeogue. I remember seeing lots of signs saying “CHILDREN DESERVE A MOTHER AND A FATHER. VOTE NO” on some light posts on the bus route. I was confused, not knowing what exactly was being voted against. But it only took about 48 hours of being in the city to begin seeing more signs for the YES side. And I quickly began learning more about the historic vote that would soon be taking place.
Fast forward to over 3 weeks here in Dublin.
Well, as my time here passed, the campaign was becoming more and more prominent, especially from the YES side. Sure, I still saw the same NO posters everywhere, but the YES side just kept getting bigger and bigger. There were more posters. There was more street art. Almost everyone I would pass on the streets would have YES or TÁ (Irish for YES) pins on their jackets, shirts, and bags. There was such an excitement in the air.
One day I passed a pop-up shop off of Dame Street and decided to drop in for a coveted button. Even though I can’t vote here, I wanted to show my support for the YES side. I got to talking with the worker there. She said something that struck me. She said that for her personally, even if the NO vote passed, she would still be so happy about the amount of support the YES side has gathered over the course of the campaign. And she said the support for the LBGT community during this campaign was unbelievable, especially considering homosexuality was decriminalized in Ireland only 22 years ago. She also added that if the vote came back around in 5 years, she was certain that it would then pass.
Well, she doesn’t have to worry, because the country voted YES to Ireland’s latest referendum!
Seeing so many people so happy to have finally been given this right to marry their partner honestly had me on the brink of happy tears all day. The vote was officially announced Saturday afternoon and it was an AMAZING day in Dublin. Parades, happy crowds, flags, costumes, there was such a positive and joyful energy in the city. There were even 2 rainbows spotted in the sky!
That night, the streets of Dublin reminded me of Bourbon Street in New Orleans (but classier). There were so many crowds, but nothing ever got out of hand. People were just so happy and celebrating, and everyone on the street was your best friend. You were all celebrating the same thing – LOVE.
Check out some photos of scenes from the campaign during my time here, included the night out after the YES side won! Sorry I wrote a bit of a novel on this, it’s just such an important issue to me. The fact that it’s 2015 and we’re still having to vote on whether or not a group of human beings should have the same basic rights as other human beings is ridiculous. But AT LEAST Irish voters voted YES to love and equality! If only my home state of Louisiana would follow suit…

The people of Ireland should be SO PROUD of themselves for voting YES on their referendum!!! And I’m so so happy I got to be here to witness the joy and love that day!
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