Fall in St. Stephen’s Green // Dublin

Louisiana is one of those places that only has 2 seasons – really hot summer, and then a little less hot “winter.” Some years the winter can be classified as “cold.” But most years, you can get away with wearing a thin, long-sleeve, silk blouse on Christmas Day.
And obviously, such is not the case in Dublin. And that can be seen by simply taking a stroll in St. Stephen’s Green park in fall.
I had been to Dublin twice before I moved here – both times in the summer. So I knew what to expect when it came to the warmest months in Ireland. Ireland really never gets “hot” per say (at least not compared to MY heat-tolerance threshold). I don’t think there was ever a time over the summer when I was sweating just from walking outside. But we had some gorgeous days with absolutely perfect weather! Overall, the summer was great, and about what I expected.
Now one aspect of Ireland I hadn’t experienced before I moved here was it’s winter months. In my mind I was expecting Irish winter to be frigid and snowy (since it rains so much here). Even though it hasn’t really gotten to pure winter yet here, I am told by locals that it does get SUPER cold. And worse, that it’s the wind that really cuts to your bones. And that it rarely snows here and if it does, it’s more of a wet, nasty muck. So I’m excited for that……………………….
But as of now, we’ve been enjoying the beautiful autumn colors around the city. It’s so great to be living somewhere that actually has a fall season! The colors are changing, the leaves are falling, and everyone is enjoying the last of the good weather before the arctic tundra of winter descends upon us. (Can you tell I’m scared?) The bad thing about the changing weather is that with the time change, it now gets dark at around 4:30pm. 4:30!!!!!!!! That means when I get off of work at 6, it’s pitch black outside, making it really hard for me to motivate myself to do anything like run some errands or go to the gym. You just want to get in bed and watch some TV!
One of my favorite places to enjoy the fall foliage in Dublin also happens to be one of my overall favorite places in the city – St. Stephen’s Green park. With the it’s vast amount of flora, ducks, families and couples strolling around, “The Green” seems to be THE spot for picturesque autumn views. At times it looks like a scene out of a movie!
Gotta give it up to my super talented friend Kristen from Kristen Soileau Portraits for some of these shots of fall in St. Stephen’s Green!