European Food Porn

I’m not sure why I decided to post this today…I must just be super hungry?
Anyways, one of my favorite parts about traveling is trying different foods from various countries. I think it’s essential in experiencing the full culture of where you are!
I have been lucky to have some BOMB ASS meals throughout my European travels. Obviously Italian food is praised world wide. I mean, who doesn’t love pasta? But I’ve also had some amazing meals in country that aren’t particularly known for their food, like the UK.
So, here are a few amazing meals I’ve had throughout my European adventures. I call it, “European Food Porn”, but it’s basically a roundup of the countries in Europe where I’ve had the best food. If you’re not drooling after scrolling through this pictures, something is SRSLY wrong wichu!
In Belgium I had amazing Belgium waffle and chocolate

In Portugal I had some amazing (and CHEAP) steaks and steak sandwiches
One of my favorite meals that I had in Austria was homemade dumplings in Innsbruck.

You can’t go to Spain and not have paella! I make it a point to get paella every time I’m in Spain, and it NEVER disappoints!

When you think of Switzerland you may think of mountains and skydiving, but when I think of Switzerland I think of SWISS FONDUE!

Pizza, pasta, bruschetta…I’ve never had Italian food I DIDN’T like. A lot of the highlights of my travels to Italy revolve around food.

The UK
The UK has all types of food, from steak and kidney pies to curries. And I love it ALL.

Of course, these are only a FEW of the glorious meals I’ve had overseas. For some, I was so hungry that I started stuffing my face before I even got a picture…whoops! (Prime example, crepes in Paris. See header photo…) I’m hungry reminiscing on these meals, and now I can’t wait to return to Europe again and eat some seriously delicious food!