Ultimate Guide to Ireland’s Working Holiday Authorisation

I’ve gotten many emails over the past few years of people who come across my blog and want to know “How did you do it?” How, at 22 years of age, did I move from South Louisiana to Dublin, Ireland? Did I do it through a program? Did I have a job? How did I afford it? Was it scary?
Well, folks, I’ll tell you how I did it. I up and moved to Dublin, with no job or place to live, because of a little something known as the Working Holiday Authorisation – an amazing (yet little-known) program between Ireland and citizens of The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Hong Kong, Chile, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.
The rules and requirements vary slightly from country to country. For the purpose of this post I’m focusing on the Working Holiday Authorisation offered to people from the United States.
So here we go!
[UPDATE: This post has been updated in 2022 with new/updated information. For example, some processes/applications that had to be done in-person when this article was originally written in 2017 have now been moved online, companies that are no longer in business have been removed, etc. This has all been reflected here.]