Things about America I’ve realized are weird now that I’ve moved away

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY, YA’LL! In honor of the most American of holidays, I thought I’d share a few things about America that I’ve come to learn are considered a little weird now that I live abroad.
Like I mentioned in my previous post, if there was one, literally one, silver lining of the pandemic, it’s that I was able to visit home much more in the last year than I ever had before since I was able to work remotely.
It was soooo nice to be able to go home for so long. I mean after all, they do say distance makes the heart grow fonder. Although I’ve found that to be partially true, when it comes to going back to the US to visit now that I don’t live there anymore, in my experience distance ALSO makes me realize that there’s some super weird things about America that literally no other country does.
Here’s 10 normal things in America that I now realize are a little weird now that I live abroad.