Temples and Mosques to see in Asia and the Middle East

Y’all. I have got an ITCH.
I consider myself an avid traveller and adventurer. I’m lucky enough to have had the opportunity to visit lots of beautiful countries, tour some amazing cities, and see some unbelievable landscapes.
But, I feel like my international travels have been exclusively in Europe. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE European culture, food, people, and there are so many amazing cities and stunning landscapes in Europe. However, I’m ready to go explorin’ out East, y’all!
I’ve been dying to go to Asia and the Middle East for a long time, but recently this craving has been hitting me HARD. Between my friend who went to visit her sister in Dubai and said it was one of the coolest places she’s ever been, to another friend who travelled throughout Vietnam and told me about how she lived like a queen for very little money, to ANOTHER friend who went backpacking around the Philippines for a month solo and had the time of her life, and lastly to ANOTHER friend who will be spending a month this summer working at a special needs orphanage in India through a school program, my itch to explore past the borders of Eastern Europe is stronger than ever.
Not only have I been hearing amazing stories from my friends about their travels, but OF COURSE Pinterest is also giving me some serious travel porn to get me inspired. I’ve seen so many pictures and read so many articles, especially of some UNBELIEVABLE temples and mosques around Asia and the Middle East that look absolutely incredible. I’ve started making a “wishlist” of sites in Asia and the Middle East that I really want to see when I *FINALLY* get to visit.
Here are the top 5 temples and mosques in Asia and the Middle East that are on my wishlist.