A Dublin Autumn – in photos

Although I absolutely love all things summer, there’s something to be said for autumn, too. Even though it’s the beginning of the weather getting colder and the daylight hours getting shorter, I really don’t mind. Sure, there can be some VERY dreary days, but when it’s sunny, it’s just amazing. Is there anything nicer than going on a walk on a sunny, crisp autumn morning with a big coat on and a hot coffee in your hands? I’ll tell you the answer – no, there is not. And trust me, autumn in Dublin can be pretty magical.
Now that it’s December (wtf?) and Autumn has come and gone and replaced by winter, I thought it was the perfect time to look back at the GORGEOUS autumn we had this year here in Dublin, Ireland!
I grew up in Louisiana. So before I moved to Dublin I was used to only 2 seasons: hot as f**k, and a little less hot as f**k. Oh, and like 90+% humidity basically all of the time. It was a HUGE deal when it got cold enough to wear a thick sweater. The 1 or 2 times it snowed because of some weird weather event, people really lost their shit. So it took me a while to get used to the weather in Dublin. Because WOW are Irish weather and Louisiana weather VERY different. During the summer in Ireland, it’s not super hot and the days are really long. And when I say long I mean LONG – it doesn’t get dark until like 10pm in the summer! It’s amazing.
But then in the autumn and winter…dang does it get feckin cold. Not only is it cold, but after the summer is over, the days start slowly getting shorter and shorter. Before you know it, it’s the winter and it’s getting dark at literally 4pm. Sigh. It was really hard to get used to the coldness and darkness at first. I’m a Southern gal, after all. But now that I’ve lived here for years, I’ve acclimatised! And not only that, but Autumn is one of my favorite times of year here!
There’s something very special about autumn here. The sight of the leaves changing is absolutely beautiful. Leaves in many shades of orange, yellow, and brown cover some of my favorite walking paths. And, there’s nothing like that autumn leave crunch. I’ve even posted before about autumn in Dublin’s famous St. Stephen’s Green!
Dublin is seriously photogenic with all those warm autumn colors. Autumn leaves are everywhere, the trees are like works of art, and a lot of houses have some really cute Halloween decorations up for all of the festivities! I always try to go outside and see the fall foliage as much as I can in Autumn, because it does pass very quickly and before you know it, all the leaves are dead and winter is well and truly here.
So even though the first signs of autumn are always a little unwelcome because it means the end of summer and the beginning of it getting colder and darker, I really don’t mind. I think it’s nice to live somewhere with 4 actual seasons. Call me CRAZY.
Here is an ode to the beautiful autumn we had in Dublin this year, in photos!

Aren’t those autumn colors just beautiful?! Now that winter is well and truly upon us, I feel like every time I go outside I see less and less beautiful autumn leaves. Instead, I see more and more Christmas decorations. No complaints here, because I LOVE Christmas, but I’ll definitely miss the autumn and halloween vibes around here!
By the way, that long-overdue life update / excuse for why I took a hiatus from posting is coming, I swear! But if I’m being totally honest, it probably won’t be before the new year…. silly season is upon us and I am a busy gal!