5 Things I’ll Miss About the US When I Move Abroad

I have been totally and completely MIA from this blog since last week. Things have been CRAZY around here. I had my last day of work, I had the last day at my gym, I had a weekend getaway to a little beach on the Louisiana coast with a bunch of my best friends as a farewell trip.
Anyways, a lot of “lasts” have been happening all of a sudden, and it’s hitting me now more than ever that I AM MOVING TO IRELAND A WEEK FROM TODAY. Like…what?! Some nights, I have trouble falling asleep because I can’t stop thinking about it and everything I need to do before then. And it’s really starting to hit me that I will be gone for an entire year. I sometimes get emotional thinking about it!
America’s not perfect, but it has got some pretty great things. Like, all-you-can-eat buffets, for example. Well, since the day of my departure is looming ever closer, I’ve started to think about what I’m gonna miss most about the US when I move abroad. Well, 5 things/places/events I’ll miss from where I live in the US at least.
DISCLAIMER: OBVIOUSLY the first and foremost items on this list would be my family (including my dog) and my friends. But since those are understood, they are not included in this list. Here are 5 OTHER THINGS that I will miss most about the US when I move abroad:
1. Chick-Fil-A
Actually, when I first started thinking about this list, everything I was listing was food. How pathetic is that?! But I just loooooove any and all food. And anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Chick-FIl-A. It’s the only fast food that I eat, and I’m constantly in an internal battle of craving it and telling myself NOT to go get it.
2. My Car
I have a really great idea for a reality show – it involves placing cameras in my car to record what I say to myself and what I yell at other drivers. Seriously, it’s so entertaining. Even though I have really bad road rage and am excited to not have to personally deal with dumb drivers, I’m sure not having a car will get a little old. Don’t get me wrong, there are pros to public transportation, but it’s so convenient to be able to hop in your car to go somewhere, instead of having to wait for a bus or take a subway.
3. Target/other “Superstores”
One thing I loved about Europe was all the adorable shops we would stumble across. An old pharmacy across the street, a specialty cheese shop around the corner, a tiny grocery story down the road…I was totally all about corner stores and specialty shops we would find while walking around cities in Europe. But DANG, do I also love supertores. I’m definitely going to miss them when I move abroad. There’s a certain comfort in knowing that I can go down the street and find a Super Target, or Walmart, or like 5 other giant stores and pick up some pajamas, a box of tampons, a frozen pizza, a bottle of wine, and a 90’s Hugh Grant DVD quickly, easily, and all in one place. (Not that I’ve ever done that before or anything…)
4. Local Cuisine and Culture
Now, I don’t love everything about South Louisiana (the racial divide, the homophobia, the corrupt politics, to name a few…) but I do love a lot. It has such a rich culture, and part of that rich culture is delicious food. Being away from Louisiana for a year means no gumbo, no red beans and rice, no jambalaya, NO CRAWFISH (ouch, that one hurts) for a year. That’s a long time to go without a lot of my favorite foods! Another part of the rich Louisiana culture is the “fun stuff.” Louisiana knows how to throw a good party. Being away means no Mardi Gras, no Festival International (which you’ll hear more about in the coming week), no crawfish boils, no tailgating, etc. I’m excited to learn more about the food and culture of Ireland, but of course will miss my own!
5. Goodwill/My Go-To Thrift Stores
I am a thrift store ADDICT. Like, if I’m having a bad day, I’ll all of a sudden end up at a Goodwill without even remembering how I got there. It’s like I subconsciously know that thrifting will make me feel better. I just such a thrill from digging through their stuff and finding some great items, and I have gotten so BA stuff from thrift stores! Hopefully, I can find some great thrift/vintage stores in my area when I get settled in!
So there you have it! I’m sure once I’ve been abroad for a while, I’ll start missing other things and come up with new lists! And, of course, I’ll have a long list of things I like better over there!
Since I’m leaving for a week, I’m working on making a bomb-ass travel playlist! Does anyone have any suggestions? I need some new music so love me and help me out please!
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